Meet and Greet Photography

Ignite Images are highly experienced in providing a meet and greet photography experience to clients.

People who we have photographed include;

  • Dan TDM
  • Sir Alex Ferguson
  • Mary Berry
  • Kendall Jenner
  • The Sidemen
  • Syndicate
  • Dani King
  • Matt Cardle
  • Esther Rantzen
  • Rebecca Romero
  • Tim Baillie
Sir Alex Ferguson
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Why use a professional photographer?

Quite simply hiring a professional ensures that there is a certain level of quality and also consistency which comes from hiring a photographer.

Most images that will be taken will be shared on social media and will very often have many views, comments and likes on Facebook.

How does your client wish to be portrayed on social media? Probably in their best light I would imagine – the main issues we come across when carrying out meet and greet photography include;

  • poor light (camera phones aren’t great in low lighting conditions)
  • camera phones are fiddly (incorrect settings are often used)
  • focus issues

Below are a couple of photos from the same session and taken seconds apart on a meet with The Sidemen in Newcastle upon Tyne.

The first was taken by the guest’s mother and the second by Ignite Images.

If you rely only on guests to take photos you can more or less guarantee that many will unfortunately be of poor quality!

meet and greet guest photo
meet and greet professional photo

At a typical event we will use professional lighting to ensure the subject are lit as well as possible. Combine this with siting the camera on a tripod to avoid camera shake you can be assured of quality images.

Instant photo printing on-site

One of the specialisms of Ignite Images is the provision of on-site instant photo printing at events.

We can offer this service at your meet and greet experience so that guests have a great physical memento to take home with them.

Different size prints can be offered with the most popular being;

  • 6 x 4 inches
  • 8 x 6 inches
  • 9 x 6 inches

Which is chosen may depend upon speed, budget and whether or not you are also providing digital images as well.

It takes approximately 10 seconds to produce a 6 x 4 inch print and 15 seconds for a larger 9 x 6 inch print.

Kendall Jenner

If you are going down the route of on-site printing we find that many clients like to provide guests with a branded presentation wallet for the photo.

In our view these are certainly worth the extra cost as they really complete the branding for the event. Check out the link just above for further details of this service.

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Social media sharing

It is more or less inevitable that the vast majority of people at a meet and greet will post their images to social media, with Facebook being the most popular of these and the one that will get the greatest engagement.

A service we can offer is the provision of social media sharing stations so that guests may share their photos instantly.

Photos may be shared to;

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Instagram
  • email
  • text message

OK, we know that email and text aren’t social media but they are the most popular route for sharing and guests will then typically share to social media once they have their photo on their phone.

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We can go one stage further as well. If the guest chooses email or text message as the delivery option they are directed to a bespoke branded microsite to retrieve their images.

These sites can include clickable banners and a message to guests.

The following example is of a meet and greet with Iron Maiden’s Eddie – showing that meets don’t need to involve people!

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Online galleries

The provision of an online gallery is one of our most popular ways to supply guests with their photos.

Guests are provided with a card which gives details of the gallery (typically a shortened URL and QR code) and password (if required).

From the gallery guests may;

  • download a high resolution image
  • share to social media
  • email to themselves, or others
  • share the link

Here is an example of a galllery.

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In the vast majority of cases we are employed by promoters and event planners on a fee basis with photos being provided free to guests.

To establish the level of our fees we take into account;

  • preparation time
  • length of meet and greet
  • time on site
  • number of guests
  • prints needed and their size
  • branded wallets needed or not
  • social media sharing stations needed or not
  • online gallery required

We are always more than happy to discuss how your particular meet will operate from not only a fee basis basis but also a workflow perspective.

We can also operate this service with guests purchasing their photos on the day. If this is the case they do need to have purchased the photo prior to the meet itself.

dan tdm meet

Our pedigree

Ignite Images Event Photography are established as a leading player in the corporate event photography market.

Our client list is extensive and includes such companies as Sky Kids, Amazon, Samsung, Disney, FedEx and many more.

We take our knowledge that we have built up during busy activations and experiential events and apply this knowledge to the meet and greet world.

You may be assured of a highly professional service from initial planning to implementation.

We are always more than happy to discuss your projects to assess their viability on both a practical level and financial level.

Complete the contact form or simply send an email to

I look forward to hearing from you.

Contactl form

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